Dear Parents,
We are all looking forward to going on our nature hike next Friday! We’ve done a lot to prepare for the hike and are anxious to look for all sorts of really neat things along the way. A field trip reminder will go home in your child’s folder on Thursday. Please don’t forget to check these folders daily. Children do need to wear pants and sneakers on Friday and they do need a disposable lunch and snack. The children will need to bring their backpacks. Please make sure to empty it so they aren’t carrying anything unnecessary. Chaperones should plan to arrive by 8:45am and will be carpooling.
If you have not sent in the $10 to cover the cost for our next two field trips, please do so as soon as possible. Checks can be made payable to Francis Wyman Kindergarten. It will cost $3 for chaperones who will be coming on the Swan Boat trip with us.
After our hike next week, we will start preparing for our trip to the Swan Boats in Boston! We will be reading Make Way for Ducklings and the children will be learning a bit about Boston and the walk we will be taking. We will be creating a three-dimensional map showing the Commons, the Public Gardens and the area around the State House.
The students have finished their Very Busy Spider books and have brought them home. They did a great job on them. I would encourage them to read them at home many times. It’s also a great idea to have them point to the words as they read.
Please continue to practice the sight words. I sent a list home of the sight words your child knows. I will be testing them for the final time next week!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
Melanie Duncan
Dates to remember: May 29 - Nature Hike
June 15 - Swan Boats in Boston
June 16 - Field Day
June 22 - Walk to Simonds Park
June 23 - Last Day of School (half day dismissal)
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